Our companies : The MOULIN sawmill

Scierie Moulin - Dunières.

Scierie Moulin – Dunières

The Moulin sawmill is located in the Haute-Loire region in France on a 15-hectare site, including 8,000 m² of covered area. It employs 100 people and has a turnover of 52 M€. More than 400,000 m³ of wood are processed each year.

Sawing is our main activity, important investments with the world’s best manufacturers enabled us to equip ourselves with modern and high-performance infrastructures to offer a great variety of products as well as complementary services (drying, treatment).

LINCK gives us the benefit of its latest innovations with equipment offering high productivity and unrivaled reliability. LINCK equips 20 of the 25 largest European sawmills.

As far as drying is concerned, the traditional cells BASCHILD, give us the benefit of the latest innovations to accelerate our drying process.

We combine experience, expertise, and technology to guarantee quality control and respect of deadlines. Moreover, our forest is known for the structural and aesthetic quality of its wood.

They are fine-grained and have regular growth rings because they grow between 1,000 and 1,500 meters of altitude. The weather conditions enable the wood to grow slowly.

For several years, our teams of buyers and forestry technicians have been working with private forest owners to make them aware of the need for a better management, maintenance and development of their heritage.

All of these actions undertaken for a regular management of the forest resources assure us today and tomorrow as well more productive forests and a better-quality wood.

The Moulin sawmill mainly sources its wood from Auvergne (Livradois, Meygal, Mézenc, Margeride) and Rhône-Alpes (Pilat, Roannais, Haut-Forez, Beaujolais, Vercors) forest areas.

The Auvergne massif covers more than 700,000 wooded hectares, 49% of which are covered by coniferous trees (82% for the Haute-Loire). 84% of this wooded area belongs to nearly 240,000 private owners.

The Rhône-Alpes forest covers nearly 1.54 million hectares and grows by more than 7,000 hectares per year, i.e. nearly 8,000,000 m³ per year. 60% of the standing volume is coniferous.

Sawing park parc a sciage


> Visit the MOULIN sawmill website<